Home » Smart Contract » Top Smart Contract Audit Companies for 2024 Revealed

What Are Smart Contracts?

Smart contract was first proposed in the 1990s as the digital transaction protocol to carry out the terms of an agreement. They are simply containers of code that encapsulate and replicate the terms of real-world contracts in digital form. They form a legal bind agreement among both parties, with each party committed to fulfilling its commitments. 

In simpler words, smart contracts mitigate trusted third parties or mediators between contracting parties. In comparison to conventional contracts, smart contracts offer the advantages of minimizing transaction risk, administration, and service costs. Smart contracts are projected to give a superior solution to the present transaction mechanism in a variety of businesses in this regard. 

Understanding Smart Contract Audit

A smart contract audit is a comprehensive review process designed to evaluate the security of smart contract code, identifying potential vulnerabilities and checking for inefficiencies or inaccuracies, even if they don’t immediately pose security threats.

Experienced security professionals, specializing in blockchain technology, conduct these audits with the primary goal of uncovering security flaws or coding errors that could lead to breaches or exploits.

Smart Contract Audit: Why Is It Important?

Smart contracts are not impervious to security flaws, especially considering the evolving nature of the technology. Coding errors or vulnerabilities can result in significant consequences, including financial losses or exposure to confidential data.

It’s crucial to highlight that in the event of a security breach and fund theft from smart contracts, recovery becomes exceptionally challenging due to the irreversible nature of blockchain transactions. This underscores the importance of undergoing a smart contract audit.

By conducting a security audit, users are assured that deployed contracts undergo thorough scrutiny, ensuring they are devoid of exploitable vulnerabilities. This proactive measure helps prevent potential attacks and safeguards the integrity of the smart contract ecosystem.

How Much Does a Smart Contract Audit Cost?

The cost of a smart contract audit can range from $5,000 to $15,000, depending on the complexity of the code and the size of the application. In some cases, the price can be significantly higher. For simple code contracts, audit prices can start at $1,000; some companies may offer services for as low as $500. The smart contract audit can reduce costs and provide greater trust and transparency between parties who are engaging in business transactions.

How Do Smart Contract Audit Work?

Smart contract audits conducted by PrimaFelicitas employ various tools and techniques to secure protocols by identifying and rectifying weak points. Here’s a breakdown of the audit process:

  1. Documentation Gathering: To start the audit, auditors receive comprehensive technical documentation encompassing the codebase, architectural details, whitepaper, and relevant materials. This documentation serves as a high-level guide, outlining the code’s objectives, scope, and exact implementation.

  2. Automated Testing: Automation testing involves a formal verification engine that scrutinizes every possible state of the smart contract, highlighting issues that could compromise security or functionality. The auditor may conduct unit tests, integration tests, penetration tests, and other assessments to uncover vulnerabilities.

  3. Manual Review: Security experts carefully examine each line of code, identifying errors and vulnerabilities. While automated tests are effective for detecting bugs, human engineers excel at recognizing issues with contract logic, and architecture, and uncovering weaknesses susceptible to common attacks.

  4. Classification of Contract Errors: Identified errors are classified based on their severity:
  • Critical: Directly impacts protocol functioning.
  • Major: Logical errors and centralization that pose a risk to user funds and protocol control.
  • Medium: Affects platform performance or reliability.
  • Minor: Inefficient code without compromising security.
  • Informational: Concerns about industry standards or style.
  1. Initial Report: PrimaFelicitas Auditors compile an initial report summarizing code vulnerabilities and other issues, responding to how the project team can address them. Some service providers offer expert assistance in bug fixing. Resolution of identified problems ensures smart contracts are deployment-ready.

  2. Publishing the Final Audit Report: Auditors articulate their discoveries in a comprehensive final report, categorizing each identified issue as either resolved or unresolved. This report is shared with the project team and often made public, ensuring transparency for users and stakeholders in the protocol.

What are the benefits of Smart Contract Audit Services?

 benefits of Smart Contract Audit Services

The smart contract audit can help ensure the security, reliability, and integrity of a contract. They can also help prevent unexpected behavior, minimize the risk of financial loss, and increase confidence in the contract’s performance. 

  • Identify Security Vulnerabilities

Smart contract audit services can help identify potential security vulnerabilities in a system. This can help prevent malicious parties from taking advantage of vulnerabilities and ruining the platform.

  • Optimize Source Code

Smart contract audit company contributes to enhancing the source code of the contract by revealing potential issues such as indirect command execution. These may encompass runtime errors, reentrancy, interface issues, unidentified code, gas-intensive operations, and various other vulnerabilities.

  • Enhance Automation

The smart contract audit company can help enhance automation in the process by using cutting-edge methods. For example, auditors can automate various aspects of their work, such as code analysis and vulnerability detection, using advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning.

Top Smart Contract Audit Companies

  1. Hashlock: Hashlock distinguishes itself through expertise in securing protocols and business applications in the blockchain space. Their rigorous process, client engagement, and focus on comprehensive security solutions aim to ensure the integrity and reliability of blockchain systems.

  2. PrimaFelicitas: PrimaFelicitas excels in conducting thorough security assessments for blockchain-based projects. Their seasoned security researchers employ a blend of manual code review and automated tools, with a focus on penetration testing for dynamic assessment of web3 applications.

  3. CertiK: CertiK stands out with its formal verification techniques, particularly DeepSEA, ensuring a diligent analysis of smart contract code. They introduce Skynet, a decentralized bug bounty platform, that fosters collaboration among security researchers to enhance the safety of blockchain projects.

  4. Hacken: Hacken, a cybersecurity consulting company, prioritizes comprehensive security assessments for blockchain projects. Their approach integrates manual code review, automated tools, and static analysis to identify vulnerabilities in smart contracts, ensuring project integrity and safety.

  5. ConsenSys Diligence: ConsenSys Diligence is dedicated to providing reliable security assessments for blockchain projects. Leveraging manual code reviews, formal verification, and automated analysis tools, they ensure the safety and reliability of smart contracts, contributing to the overall security of the blockchain ecosystem.

  6. OpenZeppelin: As a leading provider of open-source smart contract libraries, OpenZeppelin ensures security and reliability through auditing services. Their comprehensive approach involves manual code reviews, automated tools, and industry best practices, contributing to the robustness of smart contracts. 

  7. Certora: Certora specializes in formal verification using Certora Prover for smart contract analysis. Their commitment to comprehensive auditing ensures a thorough examination of smart contracts, enhancing the overall security of blockchain projects. 

  8. Quantstamp: Quantstamp is a blockchain security company offering scalable and cost-effective solutions. Utilizing manual code review, automated tools, and proprietary technology, they provide auditing and verification services, contributing to the security of smart contracts for diverse blockchain projects.

  9. Slowmist: Slowmist takes a holistic approach to blockchain security, offering comprehensive security assessments along with additional services such as penetration testing and incident response. Their commitment to ensuring the integrity and safety of blockchain projects sets them apart.  

  10. Cyfrin: Cyfrin’s experienced security auditors and researchers focus on smart contract security. Employing manual code review, automated tools, and static analysis, they identify vulnerabilities, contributing to the overall security of blockchain projects.

Future Thoughts

The significance of robust smart contract audit services in the blockchain industry cannot be overstated. PrimaFelicitas stands out as a premier provider of smart contract audit services, boasting a team of highly skilled auditors. Our primary aim is to assist organizations and enterprises in deploying smart contracts securely and successfully. Employing a blend of manual review and judicious application of automated technologies, we strive to minimize the cost of our smart contract audit services. 

Our experts carefully conduct manual line-by-line examinations of your smart contract code. Through various analysis and testing methodologies, we pinpoint and address any flaws or issues present in the smart contracts. Utilize our smart contract audit services to fortify the precision and effectiveness of your smart contracts. Reach out to PrimaFelicitas, a renowned leader in smart contract audits, to safeguard your smart contract implementations.

Last modified on May 16th, 2024 at 12:12 pm