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An Introduction to Blockchain in DApp Development In this blog, we’ll find out the vital role of Blockchain in DApp Development, from executing smart contracts to managing digital assets. Let’s figure out the dynamic world of decentralized applications powered by blockchain. Decentralized applications, or dApps, operate on decentralized networks instead of centralized servers. This grants […]

dApps 100% on-chain: Is it beneficial or not? Decentralized applications (dApps) refer to software applications that execute on peer-to-peer distributed networks by combining smart contracts with a frontend user interface. On the blockchain, such as Ethereum, smart contracts reside transparently with open accessibility like open APIs. dApps have many underlying features, such as open source, […]

10 Ways to Improve Your dApp UI What is a dApp? dApp refers to a common abbreviation for decentralized application. It is a digital application that executes on the blockchain or peer-to-peer network of computers instead of a single computer. Creating dApps includes a combination of the smart contract residing on the blockchain with a […]