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Monolithic Vs Modular Blockchain Blockchain is a decentralized technology that facilitates secure and transparent transactions, eliminating the requirement for intermediaries such as banks or other financial institutions. It is a decentralized system that allows users to store and share information across a network of computers. In simple terms, a blockchain is a digital ledger that […]

What is Shanghai’s hard fork on Ethereum? On April 12, 2023, Ethereum will undergo its first major upgrade, also called a Shanghai’s hard fork, since September when it switched to a proof-of-stake system. Ethereum’s upcoming “Shanghai” upgrade will allow validators to withdraw 16 million staked ether (ETH) once it is complete. So, what exactly Shanghai’s […]

What are smart contracts? Smart contracts are automated agreements that run once the conditions are met. The contract is initiated between the contractor, creator, and the recipient. Automating the execution of the agreement, triggering the next action, self-executing workflow- all sorts of things can be done through smart contracts. Smart contracts for Bitcoin SV can […]

What is Blockchain Blockchain maintains an asset provenance trail at every step of the process. This allows consumers to raise concerns about the environment, human rights, or if the industry is plagued by counterfeiting or fraud. Customers can view the origin directly through the process. Additionally, traceability data may reveal inefficiencies in the supply chain. […]