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Blockchain introduction Blockchain is a decentralized and unalterable digital ledger or distributed database that ensures secure and transparent recording, verification, and storage of information. It operates through a network of computers, or nodes, with each node having a copy of the entire chain of blocks. Within the blockchain technology, each block contains a list of […]

Layer 0 Blockchain Protocol The Blockchain ecosystem works on multi-layered architecture that includes many protocol layers. These protocol layers consist of specific and unique purposes and functions. From the multi-layered architecture, the Layer 0 Blockchain forms the essential infrastructure upon which other layers operate.  Let’s explore the multi-layered architecture of blockchain, what is Layer 0 […]

Product Ownership Management System Based on Blockchain POMS stands for product ownership management system. POMS systems can be used to verify the original ownership of the products. These systems are useful in eliminating counterfeit products from the market. Counterfeiting products, such as expensive and branded goods, is one of the most serious and difficult problems […]

The Challenges of Blockchain Interoperability According to a survey earlier this year there are about 9150 active blockchain projects in the GitHub repository. Each one of these projects has its protocol and programming language to ensure security, scalability and privacy. To make these blockchain projects future-proof they should be standardized, thereby allowing them to interact […]

Impact of Blockchain in Human Resource and Recruitment Solutions Blockchain in Human Resource Management will help recruiters find “diamonds in the rough” Organizations that recruit based on verifiable credentials can find candidates who are overlooked by other organizations that focus only on traditional education and resumes. This provides a competitive edge over hiring from a […]